jueves, febrero 28

100+ Ready-to-Execute Test Cases (Checklists) AUT

You Can Use to Test the Most Common Components of AUT
How to test the most common components of your AUT effectively, every single time
This article is a list of common validations on most widely found elements of AUT – that is put together for the convenience of testers (especially in agile environment where frequent short term releases happen).
Every AUT (Application Under Test) is unique and has a very specific business purpose. The individual aspects (modules) of the AUT cater to different operations/actions that are crucial for the success of the business that the AUT supports. Though each AUT is designed differently, individual components/fields that we encounter on most pages/screens/applications are same with more or less similar behavior.
ready test cases
Some Common Components of AUT:
  • Save, Update, Delete, Reset, Cancel, OK – links/buttons- whose functionality is as the label of the object indicates.
  • Text box, drop downs, checkboxes, radio buttons, date control fields – that work the same way every time.
  • Data grids, impacted areas, etc. to facilitate reports.
The way these individual elements contribute to the overall functionality of the application might be different but the steps to validate them are always the same.
Let’s continue with the list of most common validations for web or desktop application pages/forms.
Note: The actual result, expected result, test data and other parameters that are typically a part of a test case are omitted for the sake of simplicity – A general checklist approach is employed.
Purpose of this comprehensive checklist:
The primary purpose of these checklists (or test cases) is to ensure maximum test coverage on field level validations without spending too much time, at the same time not compromise the quality of testing them.
After all, confidence in a product can only be attained by testing every single element to the best extent possible.

The Complete Checklist (Test Cases) for Most Common Components of AUT

Note: You can use these checklists as it is in Microsoft Excel format (download provided at the end of the article). You can even track the test execution in same file with pass/fail result and status.
This could be an all-in-one resource for QA teams to test and track the most common components of AUT.  You can add or update test cases specific to your application and make it even more comprehensive list.

Checklist #1: For a module, we have to check the below points:

Module Name:
Module Functionality:
Module Impact over the application:
Module Flow:
Menu & Submenu:
Spellings and Order & Suitability:
Control for each sub menu:

Checklist #2: For each screen, we have to verify the below points

Form Functionality:
Form Impact over the application:
Form Flow:
Field Names:
Mandatory Marks:
Alerts of Mandatory fields:
Default Cursor Position:
Tab Sequence:
Page before entering any data:
Page after entering data:

Checklist #3: For each text box in the screen we have to verify the below points

Text Box:

ADD(In add screen)EDIT (in Edit screen)

Special Characters




Spelling & Grammar in Alert message:

BVA (Size) for Text Box:
Min —>—> Pass
Min-1 —> —> Fail
Min+1 —> —> Pass
Max-1 —> —> Pass
Max+1 —> —> Fail
Max —> —> Pass
ECP for Text Box:
 Valid In Valid
 - -
 - -

Checklist #4: For each list box/drop down in the screen we have to verify the below points

List Box/Dropdown:

ADD(In add screen)EDIT (in Edit screen)

Correctness of Existed Data

Order of Data

Selection and Deselect ion


Spelling and Grammar of Alert message
Cursor after alert

Reflection of Selection and De selection in remaining fields

Checklist #5: For each Check box in the screen we have to verify the below points

Check Box:

ADD(In add screen)EDIT (in Edit screen)
Default Selection

Action after selection

Action after de-selection

Selection and Deselect ion


Spelling and Grammar of Alert message
Cursor after alert

Reflection of Selection and De selection in remaining fields

Checklist #6: For each Radio button in the screen we have to verify the below points

Radio button:

ADD(In add screen)EDIT (in Edit screen)
Default Selection

Action after selection

Action after de-selection

Selection and Deselect ion


Spelling and Grammar of Alert message
Cursor after alert

Reflection of Selection and De selection in remaining fields

Checklist #7: For each date field in the screen we have to verify the below points

Date field:

ADD(In add screen)EDIT (in Edit screen)
Default date display

Design of calendar

Navigation for different months and years in date control

Manual Entry in date text box

Date format and uniformity with overall application


Spelling and Grammar of Alert message
Cursor after alert

Reflection of Selection and De selection in remaining fields

Checklist #8: For each save button in the screen we have to verify the below points


ADD(In add screen)EDIT (in Edit screen)
Without giving any data:

With only mandatory fields:

With All fields:

With Max limit:

With min limit

Spelling & Grammar in Confirmation  Alert message:


Duplication of Unique fields:

Spelling & Grammar in duplication Alert message:


Checklist #9: For each Cancel button in the screen we have to verify the below points

With data in all fields

With only mandatory fields:

With All fields:

Checklist #10: For each Delete button in the screen we have to verify the below points


EDIT (in Edit screen)
Delete the record which is not used anywhere in the application
Delete the record which has dependency
Add the new record with same deleted details again

Checklist #11: To verify impacted areas after saving/updating

After Saving/updating:
Display in View
Reflection in impacted forms in the application

Checklist #12: For each data grid in the screen we have to verify the below points

Data Grid:
Grid Title and spelling
Form Before giving any data
Message Before giving any data
S No
Field Names & Order
Correctness of Existed data
Order of Existed data
Alignment of Existed data
Page navigators
Data when navigating with different pages
Edit Link Functionality
Page after Edit:
Title and spellings
Existed data of Selected record in each field
While this list might not be exhaustive, it is indeed extensive.
==> You can download all these checklists in MS Excel format: Download in Excel format
Points to note:
  1. Depending on your need, additional tests under each category/for each field can be added or existing fields can be removed. In other words, these lists are completely customizable.
  2. When in need to include field level validations to your test suites, all you have to do is pick up the respective list and use it for the screen/page that you would like to test.
  3. Maintain the checklist by updating the pass/fail status to make this a one-stop-shop for listing features, validating them and recording the test results.
As always, the intent is to provide our readers with some easy to use techniques, tips and tools that make our work efficient and of course, easy.  


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