martes, marzo 12

¿Como es el proceso de testing en ... Google?

Me parece muy interesante la seguidilla de posts que realizo James Whittaker sobre como Google lleva adelante el proceso de testing sobre sus productos y me pareció que estaría bueno compartirlo con ustedes:
Entre las distintas entregas tome distintos fragmentos que me parecieron más que interesantes ya que son temáticas que siempre están en discusión en toda charla sobre Software Testing y tener una referencia de como Google resuelve esos temas:
En cuanto a procesos:
Yes, that’s right: at Google it’s the product teams that own quality, not testers.
Developers can’t test! Well, who am I to deny that? No amount of corporate kool-aid could get me to deny it.
The important thing is that Google testers share a common language to talk about what is getting tested and how those tests are scoped.
These engineers often identify themselves as testers but their actual mission is one of productivity. They exist to make developers more productive and quality is a large part of that productivity.
Quality is not equal to test; it is achieved by putting development and testing into a blender and mixing them until one is indistinguishable from the other.
This means that quality is more an act of prevention than it is detection. Quality is a development issue, not a testing issue.
En cuanto al Testing automatizado:
If it can be automated and the problem doesn’t require human cleverness and intuition, then it should be automated.
The ongoing effort to automate to within the “last inch of the human mind” is currently the design spec for the next generation of test engineering tools Google is building.
Espero que la información compartida por James les sea tan interesante a uds. como fue para mi.

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