lunes, noviembre 5

Software Testing is About Mind and Eyes, Not About Years of Experience!

In software industry, we follow the hierarchy as:
Quality manager => Team Lead => Senior software tester => Software test engineer => Trainee.
Generally, as per the trend in India, the person who has more numbers of years of experience will sit on top and the fresh graduate will sit at the bottom in the hierarchy. The only difference is numbers of years of experience.
Do you think this is the right thing to follow?
Undoubtedly, the person grows well with time and efforts and when it comes to domain knowledge, the more time spent on the specific domain is considered as better. But on the other hand, it should be coupled with fresh brains.
Software testing is not about the years you have spent while testing. It’s about how your mind instructs your eyes to look at the product. During my professional years, I have found that most of the time, a testing team, having multiple trainees / juniors along with couple of senior engineers works and gives better output.
In the below table, I have just tried to co-relate approach of what right tester should be. Please do not misunderstand that people sitting on senior positions are not good (I too am one of them), but with the time, we all need to grow better.
So go through the table and ask yourself where do you fit and what is required to grow in a right manner.

Approach of what right tester should be:

What right tester should be


Ultimately, software testing is not a job; it’s a process where everyone learns to analyze different things. Software test engineer with right attitude and brain + eyes combination does not need experience, he needs opportunity to jump in.

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