martes, julio 31

Chistes sobre Testing - Parte 1

 Parte 1    Parte 2    Parte 3    Parte 4
The Height Of A Flagpole
A group of managers were given the assignment of measuring the height of a flagpole. So they go out to the flagpole with ladders and tape measures and they’re struggling to get the correct measurement; dropping the tape measures and falling off the ladders.
A tester comes along and sees what they’re trying to do, walks over, pulls down the flagpole, lays it flat, measures it from end to end, gives the measurement to one of the managers and walks away.
After the tester is gone, one manager turns to another and laughs, “Isn’t that just like a tester? We’re looking for the height and he gives us the length.”
Damage Testing
The Aviation Department had a unique device for testing the strength of windshields on airplanes. The device was a gun that launched a dead chicken at a plane’s windshield at approximately the speed the plane flies. The theory was that if the windshield does not crack from the impact of the chicken, it will survive a real collision with a bird during flight.
The Railroad Department heard of this device and decided to use it for testing a windshield on a locomotive they were developing.
So the Railroad Department borrowed the device, loaded a chicken and fired at the windshield of the locomotive. The chicken not only shattered the windshield but also went right through and made a hole on the back wall of the engine cab – the unscathed chicken’s head popping out of the hole. The Railroad Department was stunned and contacted the Aviation Department to recheck the test to see if everything was done correctly.
The Aviation Department reviewed the test thoroughly and sent a report. The report consisted of just one recommendation and it read “Use a thawed chicken.”
A Tester’s Courage
The Director of a software company proudly announced that a flight software developed by the company was installed in an airplane and the airlines was offering free first flights to the members of the company. “Who are interested?” the Director asked. Nobody came forward. Finally, one person volunteered. The brave Software Tester stated, “I will do it. I know that the airplane will not be able to take off.”
Light Bulb
Question: How many testers does it take to change a light bulb?
Answer: None. Testers do not fix problems; they just find them.
Question: How many programmers does it take to change a light bulb?
Answer1: What’s the problem? The bulb at my desk works fine!
Answer2: None. That’s a hardware problem.


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