miércoles, agosto 22

Recommended Books On Testing

Another question I was asked via e-mail.  "Do you know of any good books that explain the testing process in detail? I noticed you mentioned Debugging Applications for .Net and Windows, but I am looking for a book that really explains the basics of 'I have this API/application and I want to test it'. "
Let me say up front that I’m not a big fan of testing books.  Most of what they say is obvious and they are often long-winded.  You can learn to test more quickly by doing than by reading.  Unlike programming, the barrier to entry is low and exploration is the best teacher.  That said, Cem Kaner’s Testing Computer Software gets a lot of good marks.  I’m not a huge fan of it (perahps I'll blog on my disagreements later) but if you want to speak the language of the testing world, this is probably the book to read.  Managing the Testing Process by Rex Black gives a good overview of the testing process from a management perspective.  Most testing books are very process-intensive.  They teach process over technique.  How to Break Software by James Whittaker is more practical.  I have read some of the book and have heard James Whittaker speak.  As the title indicates, the intent of the book is to explain where software is most vulnerable and the techniques it takes to break it at those points.
Part of the difficulty with testing books is that there are so many kinds of testing.  Testing a web service is fundamentally different than testing a GUI application like Microsoft Word which is again wholly different than testing a multimedia API like DirectShow.  Approaches to testing differ also.  Some people have a lot of manual tests.  Some automate everything with testing tools like SilkRunner or Visual Test.  Others write code by hand to accomplish their testing.  The latter is what my team does.  Most books on testing will either distill this down to the basics--at which time you have no real meat left--or they will teach you a little about everything and not much about anything.  Read the 3 books I call out above but make sure to adapt everything they say to your specific situation.  Treat them as food for though, not instruction manuals.
Do you have a favorite testing book that I haven't mentioned?  Share your knowledge with others in the comments.


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